Reclaimed French oak chevron parquet
Reclaimed French Oak chevron Parquet : Antique reclaimed French oak flooring, in the format known as Point de Hongrie (Hungarian Point) or chevron pattern. Typically salvaged from Parisian Haussmann era residences undergoing conversion. The lengths and widths of this antique French oak chevron depend on incoming stocks from salvage, and are re-calibrated by BCA for regular length, point angles and width, with new tongued and grooved joints. We generally calibrate to thickness 20mm (0.8 inch) or 22mm (0.87 inch), but let us know if that is the thickness best for your project, as there is scope for bespoke orders. Let us know if you require specific dimensions and end angles, possible to prepare to order. The upper surfaces are retained with their patina but brushed, so are far more authentic compared to industrially made “repro” flooring.
Available from stock, but requiring several weeks lead-time for our very labour-intensive task of re-calibrating to get them ready to install.